The Welcome Organisation is seeking new Directors (Trustees) to join our Management Board. This is a great opportunity to make a difference to an organisation committed to change and growth and making a real difference to people affected by homelessness.
You will be part of a voluntary team supporting the work of the Welcome Organisation to deliver a range of accommodation and community services which alleviate and prevent homelessness.
What we are looking for
We are looking for individuals with a background in the private, public, voluntary or community sectors who can contribute to the strategic leadership and governance of the Organisation.
Taking account of the range of skills and experience of the Organisations current Board Members, we welcome strengthening the Board’s collective portfolio of skills in the following areas:
Homelessness / housing
Public sector tendering
This is not an exhaustive list and if there are other skills and qualities that you feel relevant and would bring value to the Welcome Organisation Board, please make an application.
The Welcome Organisation is committed to diversity and equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.
Time commitment
The Board meets bi-monthly at a minimum, it’s purpose is to oversee governance and drive the strategic direction of the Organisation.
Click here for an Information Pack providing more details about the position and the work of The Welcome Organisation.
Next steps and to apply
1. Please submit a CV of not more than three A4 pages to Sandra Moore by 4pm on
Friday 31st August, 2018 by:
Email: sandra@homelessbelfast.org Or post: Sandra Moore, The Welcome Organisation, Townsend Enterprise Park, Townsend Street, Belfast, BT13 2 ES
2. A conversation with a purpose with the Chair and the Chief Executive to see how you meet the criteria set out in the role description and the level of commitment you are able to make in this voluntary role.
3. There will be an opportunity for successful candidates to meet the full Board before they make a commitment to join.