The Homeless people of Belfast have not been forgotten in the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Welcome Organisation is working flat out with the NI Housing Executive to move people off the streets and into accommodation. As many people as possible have been placed in hostel accommodation and are being looked after by the wonderful staff in the hostels.
Many more have been placed in rooms and bed-sits etc. across the city and The Welcome Organisation is continuing to support those vulnerable people. We are delivering food and clothes directly to them twice a day and meeting all their basic needs as best as we can.
We still have a number of homeless people that we have not yet found accommodation for but we are confident that we will get most if not all of them sorted over the next few days. Our Drop-in will remain open to look after those Rough Sleepers not yet accommodated and new presenters that are genuinely homeless and in need of our help.
We will be scaling up our mobile response to 3 vans as more of our homeless people get accommodation in order to support them in their accommodation and to discourage them from going out. Our teams are important key workers in this crisis and they will be able to provide the most appropriate support.
They are also fully equipped with personal protection equipment to protect both themselves and the people they are helping. As ever we couldn’t deliver these vital and potentially life-saving services without your support. We have been blown away by the number of people who have been in contact with us over recent weeks offering support because they are concerned about the most vulnerable in our community in this time of unprecedented crisis. THANK YOU.
If you see anyone who is rough sleeping in Belfast and you are concerned about them please contact our Street Outreach team on: 07894931047